CORAL Officers 2018-2020

President: Michelia Mason, Southwest Research Institute

Michelia Mason is the Librarian of Southwest Research Institute where she manages the general operation of its library with a focus on the collection development of science and engineering resources in support of dynamic research from ‘deep sea to deep space and everything in between’. Michelia oversees library staff development, scope and integration of library systems, research/resource instruction, and outreach efforts. Michelia received her MLS and BA in Financial Services from the University of North Texas.

Vice President: Lee Leblanc, San Antonio College

Mr. Lee D. Le Blanc is the Director of Library and Technology Services for San Antonio College. Currently Lee manages a staff of librarians, library assistants, and student workers. Overseeing all aspects of library technologies, Lee is charged with implementing all technology platforms from OCLC’s WMS to nearly every Springshare LibApp. Lee has hard-earned IT, leadership, and library experience from the frontlines to implementing high-cost library platforms. Lee received his MLIS from Florida State University.

Treasurer: Juanita Lewis, San Antonio College

Juanita Lewis is a Library Technology Analyst and Budget Specialist at the San Antonio College Library with 26 years library experience in the areas of Technology, Acquisitions, Library Budget, Access Services and Bindery.

Secretary: Dana Whitmire, UT Health San Antonio

Dana Whitmire is the Electronic Resources Librarian at UT Health San Antonio. For the past seven years she has managed e-resources, from purchasing and licensing to day-to-day maintenance. In addition to library materials, Dana also maintains the databases, link resolver, and discovery tool. Dana holds an MLS from the University of North Texas and a BA in English from Schreiner University.

Member at Large: Amanda Gorrell, Northwest Vista College

Amanda Gorrell has worked in higher education for five years’ as a librarian at Northwest Vista College. She is passionate about teaching information literacy to students, developing and implementing training workshops for library users on a variety of topics, finding low cost solutions for teaching materials with Open Educational Resources/Open Access resources and creative outreach programs. Amanda holds a MLS from Texas Woman’s University and BA’s in Anthropology and in History from the University of Texas San Antonio.

Member at Large: Tosca Gonsalves, Palo Alto College

Tosca Gonsalves is the database and electronic resources librarian at Palo Alto College. As in most smaller academic libraries she also oversees Technical Services, coordinates collection development, provides reference service, teach information literacy, and is the liaison for the English/Communications/Foreign Languages/INRW and Career Technical departments.

Past President: Andrea N. Schorr, UT Health San Antonio

Andrea N. Schorr is the Head of Resource Management at UT Health San Antonio. In her role she manages services and resources that support the teaching, learning, and research needs of the health sciences community. Andrea oversees four main service areas including: collection development, interlibrary loan, special collections, and 3D & virtual services. Andrea holds an MSIS from the University of North Texas and a BA in Psychology from the University of Texas at San Antonio.